Monday, April 26, 2010

Digitize Me, Cap'n

We did it! We finally got our footage digitized. It was a pretty smooth sailing process thanks to Eric, who pretty much did it for us. Bryan and Jordan can now start to edit our film, this is very exciting!

In other news, things that you shout that start with "s" include: "Shit fire," "Say What!" "Shit" and "Slut!" All of which will earn you a point in the game of scattegories if not used more than once and not used for any of the other 11 categories.

Things were slow moving at the beginning of last class, but thanks to all the games the Forum hosts, we were able to pick up the pace and get out of there a little quicker than what it may have originally seemed.

This next class meeting should be pretty exciting, hopefully there will be some cohesive footage that we can take a look at and oogle over. While I would much rather go into more detail about the riveting Scattegories game me and my classmates played, I really need to write that 15 page research paper that unfortunately will not write itself.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all have gotten to be scattergories masters while waiting around for the footage to be digitized. I am not sure "shit fire" and "shit" should count as two separate answers. "Slut" is certainly something that frequently gets shouted, though. :)
